A volunteer group of local professionals, educators, parents & youth promoting diverse
African-American heritage, Black culture, and racial equity 365 days a year.
We Promote
Courageous Conversations
The 365 project aims to breakdown the cultural barriers that exist within society. Our scope includes the bigger picture promoting diversity and giving people the opportunity to engage and converse with each other.
In Fall, 2019, the project will conduct 3-4 groups. Each group will include 8-10 diverse participants and will meet for six two-hour sessions. The groups will discuss their personal experiences and understanding of racism, its effects on them as individuals, and its effect on Yellow Springs as a community. They will also identify personal and collective action steps to be taken to combat racism.
Each group will be led by two diverse facilitators and will meet in one of the participant’s homes. Three or four groups will meet in the fall of 2019. Courageous Conversations groups will set their own ground rules and share responsibility for the quality of the discussions. Facilitators will help manage discussions but will not attempt to teach or instruct the group about racism.
If you are interested in participating in one of the groups or in more information, please contact Len Kramer by email at len2654@gmail.com or by phone at 767-2324 or 572-4840.

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Describe your image.

Describe your image.
Promoting cultural understanding by
Working with the YS Heritage Society and Yellow Springs High School through the Black History Tour program.
Revising and printing the “African-Americans in Yellow Springs” brochure.
Featuring renowned speakers who address contemporary issues related to diversity and racism at our open annual meeting.
Mentoring an annual Miller Fellows student through Antioch University
Promoting dialogue about the experience of living as an African-American in Yellow Springs with biannual forums like "Elder Speaks" and "Growing up Black in Yellow Springs"
Holding ongoing community courageous conversations about race in targeted settings in and around the village.
Mentoring youth through the Black Culture film series, History Tours, Elementary Black History Month programming, Splash Pool Party and the Young People of Color programming.
Coordinating with local organizations on the revival of Kwanza in Yellow Springs.
Consulting with organizations such as the Human Relations Commission, Village Mediation Program, local schools, James A. McKee/Men’s Group of YS, local churches, African American Culture Works (AACW), Antioch College, Antioch University Midwest, Yellow Springs Community Foundation, Yellow Springs Village Arts Council and other engaged organizations.
Sponsoring Cultural Competency workshops.
Who is the 365 Project
The 365 Project is a Yellow Springs/Miami Township- based nonprofit organization that seeks to facilitate discussions regarding appreciation of racial diversity and culture. It was formed in 2008 by a multi-racial group of Yellow Springs volunteers intent on celebrating African-American culture and achievements not just during Black History Month in February, but all year round.
The group has had a particular focus on education because of its ability to empower marginalized groups. It has noted achievement gaps between African-American and other Yellow Springs students, has hosted periodic panel discussions under the theme “Growing Up Black in Yellow Springs,” and hosts the annual Elaine Comegys Film Festival which screens documentaries for Yellow Springs High School students and facilitates a mentored discussion.
The 365 Project's Mission
The mission of The 365 Project is to serve as a catalyst that challenges and supports the people of Yellow Springs and Miami Township to engage critically and respectfully in dialogue and action that promotes and sustains diverse African-American heritage and culture, and educational equity, 365 days a year.