A volunteer group of local professionals, educators, parents & youth promoting diverse
African-American heritage, Black culture, and racial equity 365 days a year.

There are so many ways to participate; join our leadership group, be a mentor, view a Black Culture film screening, contribute to our Black History Encyclopedia, or donate to our non-profit. Contact us.
The 365 Project of Yellow Springs was formed in 2008 to serve as a catalyst that challenges and supports the people of Yellow Springs and Miami Township in fighting racism. Our country for the past four hundred years has employed racism to its fullest against people of color and sadly the elements of racism continues in 2020 as Black Americans endure hardships of racism by government entities that are pledged to protect and serve the people, all people.
For 200 years the village of Yellow Springs has tried to exist as a bastion of inclusivity and acceptance of people from all walks of life, particularly Black Americans. However our village has had its own share of hiccups in terms of racism towards local Black Americans which The 365 Project is committed to eradicate.
In light of the most recent transgressions that has once again taken place in our country towards Black Americans i.e. George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbrey, John Crawford, Tamir Rice and countless others since the landing of the Mayflower; The 365 Project is further committed to serving as a catalyst in rooting out the evil disease of racism. Ralph Ellison once said “I am invisible, understand simply because people refuse to see me” and Gil Scott Heron professed that “The revolution will not be televised” however the tragic events of the past few months are in full view for all to see and the atrocities against Black Americans is now being televised and is fully visible for all to see!
John Gudgel, President of The 365 Project
Dr. Kevin McGruder, Treasurer

Citizens' Action Reparations Local Fund
The 365 Project is administering funds donated toward the Citizens' Action Reparations Fund. Their founding statement notes:
"Monies in this fund are from donations of people in the White community who have decided to take responsibility for the continued disparity of wealth between Black and White community members in the United States. No longer will the excuses of the following be tolerated: 'Neither I nor my family members enslaved Black people. Neither I nor my family lived in the United States in 1865 or earlier.'"
"We the donors, just by virtue of our skin color, enjoy White privilege in this country. This does not mean that we are monetarily wealthy. It does mean that we never have to pass a test to vote. We could purchase a house in any neighborhood we could afford. Our skin color was not a barrier to a college education, job, or promotion. Our skin color did not cause us to be unduly followed by store security or police officers. Though these may not seem like privileges, ask anyone in the Black community, and you will understand that they are."
"Donations to this fund might be designated for down payments, home repairs, scholarships, business startups, security deposits, transportation needs, or left of to the discretion of The 365 Project to redistribute wealth to enhance the lives of Black Americans to whom we owe an unimaginable debt. That control of the funds is in the hands of the descendants of the Black Americans owed the debt, where it belongs. Taking positive action now will make a positive difference in the world."
To donate: use the donate button in the upper right corner of this page, or send a check or money order to The 365 Project, P.O. Box 165, Yellow Springs, OH 45387, and place "Reparations Fund" on the memo line of the check.

Congratulations to John Gudgel for receiving the 2024 Humanitarian Award from the Dayton social justice organization NCCJ tonight at the Dayton Art Institute.
Check Out The Legacy of Wheeling Gaunt
Purchase the book by clicking on the link below!
Legacy of Grace, Musings on the Life and Times of Wheeling Gaunt, by Brenda Jean Hubbard chronicles the true life and times of a formerly enslaved Black man named Wheeling Gaunt who purchased his own freedom and through hard work, diligence and disciplined real estate investment slowly built his fortune. Moving with his wife Amanda to the Village of Yellow Springs, Ohio in 1864, Mr. Gaunt became an important village leader and philanthropist as he continued his real estate investments. Upon his death in 1894 he gifted both family and community with impressive and substantial gifts including a sizable bequest to Wilberforce University. He is perhaps most famous for his creation of The Poor Widows Fund gifting flour and sugar to older women in the village each Christmas, a tradition the village still observes. The land that he gave to the village is known today as Gaunt Park and houses Gaunt Park Pool and adjacent sports fields. Through an exploration of the times in which he lived, Mr. Gaunt's remarkable story of achievement is investigated. Author Brenda Jean Hubbard was born and raised in Yellow Springs where her family lived for over 50 years. She is donating all money raised in the sale of this book to The Yellow Springs 365 Project, a vital non-profit organization committed to racial justice and education. Hubbard says, ?Growing up in Yellow Springs was a true blessing. I was privileged to experience the unique joys and many benefits of knowing diverse, amazing, accomplished and distinguished people from many walks of life. This gifted me with a lifelong passion to celebrate diversity and a heart for social justice. Writing this book is my small attempt to honor the impressive people, history and accomplishments of the Black community while also conveying important and timely history.?